• It is viral infection of nose & throat.
• The term common cold refer as mild upper respiratory viral illness.
• Usually lasts approximately for 7 days.
• Cold caused by many viruses which is having similar symptoms. (Eg. Rhinovirus, coronavirus, adenovirus, echovirus, enterovirus)
• Direct contact- primary spread from person to person person to person through hands. If sick person shake someone’s hand and that percentage is eye, nose or mouth, the viras can transmitted & later infect.
• Indirect- virus can survive on surface for few hours can transmitted touching the surface and then touching his nose, mouth or eyes.
• Inhaled viral particles- droplet containing viral particle can be transmitted while coughing, sneezing, breathing to close standing person.
• Rhinitis (runny nose)
• Sore throat
• Sneezing
• Cough
• Headache
• Fever seen in children, uncommon in adults.
• Feeling tired.
Symptoms usually 3- 10 days, last upto 2 weeks in some peoples
The diagnosis is based on symptoms and observed signs:-
• Swelling and congestion of nasal passages
• Redness of the throat
• Enlarged lymph nodes in the neck
• Normal lung exam
Chest x-rays not needed unless chest exam is abnormal
generally not needed
• Detection of antigen (rapid test)
• Viral isolation
• Serology
• exacerbation of Asthma, COPD.
• Acute bacteria bronchitis
• Pneumonia
• Strep throat (sore & scratchy throat)
• Acute ear infections
TREATMENT Symptomatic
• Antihistamine – for runny nose, sneezing, cough.
- diphenhydramine (benadryl) – 300mg/QID
- levocitrizine- 10mg/day – OD
- Chlor pheneramine – 24mg/ day – TID
• Antitussive– for dry cough.
- Codeine- 10mg/5ml – TID ODextra methorphan – 30mg/5ml – TID
• Expectorant– for productive cough.
- Guaifenesis- 2.4g/day – TID
- Acetyl cystein- 5- 10ml of 10-20% of solution 6-8 hr if needed.
- Bromhexin- 400mg/5ml – TID
• Docongestants– for block nose. OEphedrine-5-25mg iv
- Phenyl ephedrine- 200mcg
- Oxymethazoline 0.05% 2-3 sprey
• Analgesic– for headache, sore throat, muscle ache, fever, chillness, sinus, ear ache.
- Acetaminophen- 650mg
- Ibuprofen- 200mg
• Glucocorticoids- generally not needed
- Dexamethasone- 4mg
- Methyl prednisolone- 4mg
• Vit. C table
• Zinc tablet (for loss of smell)
• Antiviral therapy
• Antibiotics therapy
• General hygiene should be maintained like washing hands.
• Use alcohol containing sanitizer regularly
• Avoid being close to infected person
• Cover your mouth & nose while sneezing/coughing.
Red flags
- Difficult in swallowing & cough
- Preventing aspects
- Social distance
- Maintain hand hygiene
- Arousal spread using mask
• Cooley, B. & McNeely, M. (1996). ETR Associates. Santa Cruz,
• World Health Organization(WHO)- viral diseases in India